Wind Power in Kansas
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Kansas History Web Sites
- Geography
- Bibliography
- Reference
- On-Line Materials
- Documents
Kansas Energy Legislation
- Kansas Energy Council Reports
2000, Kansas Energy Report [.pdf]
2003 December 4, Governor's Request for Task Force
2004 January 23, Governor's Message to the SERCC Wind and Prairie Task Force
Presented by Joyce Allegrucci, Chief of Staff to the Governor
2004 January 23, Governor's Message
2004 January 4, Kansas Energy Plan [.pdf]
2004 January 12, Kansas Energy Plan 2004
2004 January 13, Kansas Energy Plan 2003 [.pdf]
2004 January 25, Governor's Message to the SERCC Wind and Prairie Task Force
Presented by Joyce Allegrucci, Chief of Staff to the Governor
2004 June 1, Governor Sebelius issues Executive Order 04-05
Forms the Kansas Energy Council to strengthen Kansas economy
2004 June 4, Governor's Charge to the Kansas Energy Council
2004 June 6, Windpower Task Force Final Report [.pdf]
2004 June 7, Statement from Governor Kathleen Sebelius upon receiving the Wind and Prairie
Task Force Report
2004, December 20, Kansas Energy Report for 2005 [.pdf]
2006, Kansas Energy Report [.pdf]
2006 May, Wind Energy Siting Handbook [42 pp., .pdf]
- 2007 May, Biodiesel In Kansas [.pdf]
- 2007 May, Cellulosic Ethanol/Bioethanol in Kansas [.pdf]
- 2007 July, Community Wind Incentives, A summary of select policies in Iowa, Minnesota, and Kansas [.pdf]
- 2007 August, Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Policy and Economics | Kansas Energy Council [.pdf]
- Books
- Articles
- Periodicals
- Data
- Images
- General
A Gallery of Historic Windmill Photographs
[An excellent collection of some fifty images of various makes of windmills,
shown in functional settings, with approximate dates given: Examples follow:]
1910, Aermotor Company, Chicago, Illinois
1930M Althouse-Wheeler Company, Waupun, Wisconsin.
1910, Araou Brothers, Narbonne, France.
1910, Baker Manufacturing Company, Evansville, Wisconsin.
1910, Challenge Company, Batavia, Illinois.
1917, Currie Windmill Company, Topeka, Kansas.
1909, Dempster Mill Manufacturing Company, Beatrice, Nebraska.
1910, Duplex Manufacturing Company, Superior, Wisconsin.
1910, Elgin Windmill Company, Elgin, Illinois.
1915, Fairbanks, Morse and Company, Chicago, Illinois.
1910, J. Figuerola, Valencia, Spain.
1916, S. Freeman and Sons Manufacturing Company, Racine, Wisconsin.
1910, Flint and Walling Manufacturing Company, Kendallville, Indiana.
1910, Freeport Machine Company, Freeport, Illinois.
1910, Heller-Aller Company, Napoleon, Ohio. A
1915, E. Lebert, Le Mans, France.
1910, Perkins Wind Mill Company, Mishawaka, Indiana.
1915, Sandwich Enterprise Company, Sandwich, Illinois.
1902, Stover Manufacturing Company, Freeport, Illinois.
1906, .S. Wind Engine and Pump Company, Batavia, Illinois.
1910, Vereinigten Windturbinenwerke, A.G., Dresden, Germany.
1910, Woodmanse Manufacturing Company, Freeport, Illinois.
- Kansas Windmills
- Organizations
- Agencies
- Research Centers
- Associations
- Companies
- General
- Historic Windmill Manufacturers
- Developers of Windpower in Kansas
- Projects
- Information Exchange
- Issues
- Extreme Weather
- History
Related WWW-Virtual Library Sites
Maintained by George Laughead, manager,
WWW-VL: United States History and
Kansas Heritage Group, the first Kansas history sites on the Web.
Thanks to Dr. Lynn H. Nelson, Professor of History Emeritus, University of Kansas, original author, WWW-VL: History Central Catalogue, the first site of content on the WWW-Virtual Library, and of the Kansas History Gateway.
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(Page © 2006-2009 George Laughead)
WWW-VL: History: Wind Power In Kansas